Current study on Lean Management
Maturity level Lean Management
Since 2014, we have been publishing the study on measuring lean maturity in companies. This makes it the largest long-term study on lean maturity conducted on this topic.
The aim of this study is to regularly determine the extent to which the lean culture is improving over the years.
Three thematic blocks are examined:
- Vision, Strategy, Goals & Customer Focus
- Processes & continuous improvement
- Leadership & Problem Solving
In the meantime, we can identify certain trends on the basis of the regularly collected data over the past years.

Here you can purchase the current study:
Do you want to measure your level of maturity for lean management?
Why the maturity measurement?
- Many companies that have introduced lean management have found that kaizen workshops or isolated CIP projects bring short-term success, but not sustainable success.
- A central reason for this is: companies introduce the methods and tools to create efficient, standardised processes even before the necessary culture exists in their organisation.
- This self-test should enable you to quickly assess the level of lean culture your organisation is at.
The following information on the examination is provided for you at a glance:
- We have conducted the Lean Maturity Survey annually for four years.
- The survey does not involve any costs for you.
- All information is of course treated anonymously!
- You will receive the results of the study free of charge.