Current study on the Strategy implementation
Maturity level Strategy implementation
Since 2017, we have been publishing our benchmark study at regular intervals to measure the maturity of strategy implementation in companies. It is the largest long-term study conducted on this topic to date.
The aim of this study is to regularly determine the extent to which the process of implementing strategies improves over the years.
Four thematic blocks are examined:
- Strategic planning
- Target cascading
- Target implementation during the year
- Leadership skills
In the meantime, we can identify certain trends on the basis of the regularly collected data over the past years.

Here you can purchase the current study:
Do you want to measure your maturity level for strategy implementation?
Why the maturity measurement?
- Strategy implementation remains the biggest stumbling block in strategic management. 9 out of 10 companies fail to implement their strategy.
- The reasons for this are manifold and are already rooted in the strategy development process: Often the strategy is only developed by the top management and is thus only known in the “ivory tower”; often it is not written down at all and is only anchored in the heads of the top managers.
- As a result, the strategic direction of the company remains inaccessible to middle management and instead individual and political preferences, conflicting goals, silo thinking, resource bottlenecks, interface issues, etc. take centre stage.
- This Strategy Implementation Maturity Check is designed to enable you to assess the level of strategy implementation your organisation is at.
The following information on the examination is provided for you at a glance:
- We have been conducting the Strategy Maturity Study annually for four years.
- The study is free of charge for you.
- All information is treated anonymously!
- You will receive the results of the study free of charge.