Free Videos OKR Course

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Free videos from the OKR course: Three videos as sneak previews

Are you interested in the OKR Manager certification and the accompanying video course?

Exclusive course sneak preview: Get a free sneak preview and exclusive access to three selected course videos!

Gratis Videos OKR Kurs

In the sneak preview, you’ll learn how to

  • achieve a focus on your business goals through OKR
  • get all employees on board and work together towards the same goals
  • align your entire company with OKR and establish it as a sustainable management system

The sneak preview is perfect for you if…

You are already interested in our OKR certification incl. accompanying video course, but are still unsure.

You have just taken on a new management responsibility or are already an established manager.

You want to learn how you can implement and realize the Global Player Principle in your organization.

About Dr. Daniela Kudernatsch

Dr. Daniela Kudernatsch is the owner of the management consultancy KUDERNATSCH Consulting & Solutions. As a doctor of business administration with more than 20 years of experience in international transformation projects (corporations and medium-sized companies), she specializes in the implementation of management systems such as Objectives & Key Results (OKR), but also Hoshin Kanri, Lean Management, Shopfloor Management and Lean Leadership.

With Dr. Daniela Kudernatsch’s online training, you will benefit from over 20 years of experience in strategy implementation consulting from over 100 companies, learn from the best practices of the most successful companies, and focus on the critical success factors!