Certification to Hoshin Kanri Master

  • Application practice Hoshin Kanri for over 20 years
  • Pioneer in German-speaking countries
  • Bestselling author Hoshin Kanri
  • Acted as a consultant at Toyota
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The masterclass for executives and managers to align employees towards a common goal, to dissolve silo thinking and to achieve company goals sustainably.

Hoshin Kanri is the management system of many „global players“ and „hidden champions“.

This is what the Hoshin Kanri Masterclass contains

It is the world’s most comprehensive online course on Hoshin Kanri, whose uniqueness encompasses various aspects.

  • The Hoshin Kanri video course incorporates the knowledge gained from over 20 years of strategy implementation consulting from over 100 companies and over 1,000 certified Hoshin Kanri Masters.
  • The course is over 20 hours long and consists of 11 modules and 49 lessons. It includes over 50 templates, checklists, documents, and custom technical articles for download.
  • The course is designed to answer all questions about Hoshin Kanri in a sound and practical way. And, this in both German and English.
  • Also included is the recognized certification exam for Hoshin Kanri Master. The certificate will be sent directly to you electronically.
  • Due to the large number of practical exercises, you will be able to apply what you have learned directly to your specific business practice, while taking advantage of personal coaching to accompany you.
  • And last but not least, the uniqueness of the course is shown by the refreshing visual design of the videos as well as the professional preparation. PowerPoint was yesterday.

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Virtual Tour Hoshin Kanri Masterclass

Click on this video and you will get a tour of the video course. This will give you the best insight into what to expect in the Hoshin Kanri Master training and how the concrete process is.

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Free access: Hoshin Kanri Masterclass

Free access to the Hoshin Kanri Masterclass for subject matter experts, executives and managers. With the Hoshin Kanri trial access you get an insight into the entire course, so you know in advance what you are investing in.

  • Exclusive insight into the course
  • Free learning content
  • Accompanying e-mail coaching

0,00 €

Exclusive & free insight into the Hoshin Kanri Masterclass

Hoshin Kanri Masterclass + Coaching

The Hoshin Kanri training for executives and managers to systematically break down silo thinking, align employees to a common goal and achieve company goals sustainably.

  • Learn at your pace
  • Download material included
  • Certification as „Hoshin Kanri Master
  • 4 hours of personal accompanying coaching with Dr. Daniela Kudernatsch

1.295 €

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Detailed module contents

Hoshin Kanri Masterclass
  1. Welcome

Welcome to the Hoshin Kanri Online Masterclass! I look forward to taking you on the Hoshin Kanri journey and teaching you the most important basics from my twenty plus years of experience. But before we start, I will introduce myself so that you know who is accompanying you.

Aktuelle Herausforderungen
  1. Current challenges

In this module, we address the challenges many companies face in terms of strategic planning and implementation. Especially in the current volatile and unpredictable times.

Grundlagen zu Hoshin Kanri
  1. Hoshin Kanri basics

In this module you will learn where Hoshin Kanri originally comes from, what is behind the term and what are the goals of Hoshin Kanri. I will also give you an overview of the entire Hoshin Kanri process, which we will look at in detail in the following lessons.

Strategische Ausrichtung
  1. Strategic alignment

Hoshin Kanri’s focus is on the strategy implementation process. This can only be as good as the underlying strategic orientation. Therefore, in the following chapter we deal with the essential elements and their criteria that need to be fulfilled in order to be able to start a solid strategy implementation process.

Agile Zielplanung
  1. Agile target planning

This module is about how we define and align goals across the company. This is also the start of the annual PDCA cycle. We will also learn about important tools such as the X-Matrix, Bowling Chart as well as agile milestone planning.

Der Catchball-Prozess
  1. The Catchball Process

We have learned how the goal planning process is structured at the top management level. Now we are going to look at how we can ensure company-wide and consistent goal coordination within the company. The method is called: Catchball!

Kurzzyklische Umsetzung
  1. Short-cycle implementation

We have now completed the target planning phase and are starting the implementation process during the year. This is the „Do and Check“ phase, which involves implementing the planned actions.

  1. Root cause analysis

We are still in the process of implementing targets during the year. How we deal with deviations from our targets plays an essential role here. In the following module, you will learn about various methods that are frequently used in the context of deviation analyses.

President’s Diagnosis
  1. President’s Diagnosis

The final step in the Hoshin Kanri process is to evaluate the implementation from one year of Hoshin Kanri and initiate improvement actions. In the following chapter, you will learn how this process works: The President’s Diagnosis.

Implementierung Hoshin Kanri
  1. Implementation

You are probably asking yourself: What is the best way to get started? There are a number of different possibilities and influencing factors for this, which I will present to you in detail in the following chapter.

Zertifizierung Hoshin Kanri Master
  1. Hoshin Kanri Master Certification

We are at the end of our Masterclass and I wish you the best of luck. If you are interested in our Hoshin Kanri Master certification, just take the test now by clicking on the next lesson.

What do you achieve with Hoshin Kanri

Clear focus
You have a few clear goals that you can achieve even with few resources

All employees are actively involved in the development of goals and thus identify with them

During the year, you work consistently and short-cycle on implementation

What is the secret of success of

Best practice company?

There are some companies where, despite many crises and radical changes in the world of work, extraordinary success can be proven over decades!

These include „global players“ as well as medium-sized „hidden champions“.

These companies have one thing in common:

Top management believes in a unified management method – namely Hoshin Kanri. Hoshin Kanri is a tried and tested management system from the field and is responsible for long-lasting corporate growth.

They attribute their success to the fact that

  • they have a focus through clearly defined breakthrough goals
  • all employees are actively involved in the development of goals and thus identify with them
  • the entire organization works consistently and short-cycle on implementation during the year

What does your personal day-to-day work look like?

Do your employees even understand the key business objectives and why it is important to achieve them?

Are you constantly working against external resistance, such as ever more severely cut resources, ever tighter timeframes for targets?

Do you fight against different targets in departments, which promotes silo thinking and „lone wolfism“?

Do you occasionally find it difficult to manage your employees so that „everyone pulls together“?

Would you like to end another workday thinking, „Today we finally accomplished an important goal because we performed as a team?“

Do you occasionally find it difficult to manage your employees so that „everyone pulls together“?

Not only does your career or business suffer, but so does your personal life.

Working the entire weekend is becoming more and more common, time for your sport is missing and so slowly but surely your partner complains that you can no longer find enough time for the family.

That’s why it’s important to improve your leadership skills so that you go to bed at night feeling like you’ve got it all figured out, instead of fretting over cut resources or unmotivated employees.

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Your Online Coach Dr. Daniela Kudernatsch

Dr. Daniela Kudernatsch is the owner of the management consultancy KUDERNATSCH Consulting & Solutions.

She holds a doctorate in business administration and has more than 20 years of experience in international transformation projects (corporate groups and medium-sized companies).

She specializes in the implementation of management systems such as Hoshin Kanri, Objectives & Key Results (OKR), Lean Management, Shopfloor Management and Lean Leadership.

Her broad experience is also based on various certifications in the areas of systemic coaching, change management, lean management, Six Sigma and controlling, among others.

She is also the author of several professional books and articles as well as a key note speaker at international congresses.

In online seminars with Dr. Kudernatsch you can expect:

  • Knowledge of over 20 years of strategy implementation consulting from over 100 companies and over 1,000 certified Hoshin Kanri Masters.
  • Practical relevance via the development and implementation of agile strategies for immediately measurable results
  • Focus on the key success factors and framework conditions

The Hoshin Kanri video course is perfect for …

Experienced managers and entrepreneurs

If you are an experienced leader looking for a management method to align your people towards a common goal, even in the current unpredictable and volatile times.

New executives in companies

If you have only recently taken on a leadership responsibility and want to have the team on your side from the start to achieve step-by-step company goals.

What you get

Online access
So you can learn at your own pace

Over 20 hours
With video content that teaches you how to move the strategy implementation process forward

On each step of the process to help you work effectively and efficiently to improve your strategy implementation process

A clear method
To respond quickly and effectively to the challenges, crises and opportunities of our time

To Hoshin Kanri Master for your further professional career

The Hoshin Kanri video course is perfect for busy people. A total of over 20 hours of practical knowledge with 11 modules and a total of 49 lessons. With just one hour per week, you’ll develop laser-sharp focus and lead your teams as one.

What enthusiastic seminar participants say about the Hoshin Kanri course

Frequently asked questions about Hoshin Kanri training

Your choice

You now have exactly two options

If you’ve read this far, you’re at a fork in the road.

The path to your left leads to your old life in the familiar work situation. If you take this path, nothing will change. You will continue to struggle with increasingly scarce resources and struggle to achieve your business goals. Your employees will continue to stay in their silo thinking and pursue their own goals instead of identifying with the company goals to work together as a team.

How has your path worked for you so far?

The road to your right may be a little rocky, but it will lead you to a new life and a completely new work situation. A life in which you know every day that all employees are pulling together and doing their best to give their best at work, even in uncertain times.

Where would you be a year from now if you were closer to an optimal work situation every day? Would you then have peace of mind in your everyday business life and be able to significantly advance your career or your company?

Would you then have more joy in your daily work and a good feeling in meetings with your employees and colleagues?

If you would like to go this way, I am happy to support you.

So: how will you decide?

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Dr. Daniela Kudernatsch - Consulting & Solutions

Dr. Daniela Kudernatsch

+49 8170 92233